We have had so much fun with Samantha today! From the moment she woke up, until she went to bed she had a smile on her face. Such a happy baby. She has been trying very hard to crawl the past few days and made some great progress today. Below is a video Tim took that caught her attempts. ( it's on the long side, sorry)
Here are some more pictures of the happy girl. I'll let you see for yourself, pictures describe it best!

hellooooo out there!

Showing off her new hair bow!

Playing outside w/ my bear
( sorry you have to turn your head to see the right view for the new few pictures)

Being goofy while trying to crawl!

Such a happy baby girl!
Thanks for letting me get away with only posting pictures today. I just can't find the right words to talk about how wonderful our day was Samantha. It was truly a day to cherish!
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