Rub a dub dub Sammy in the tub
Samantha is doing an awesome job sitting up on her own! So awesome that we started to give her baths w/out is bath seat. She loves to be sitting up, it allows her to play more with her toys and explore how she makes splashes. She finds it very funny when she splashes and the water hits her face and bubbles are fun to grab and pop too :)
She has grown attached to one bath toy in particular, a green frog. I'm saddened she doesn't share my love for rubber ducks. I guess I need to loose some ducks and find some more frogs. She loves to suck and chew on her frog and enjoys pushing it under the water to watch it float back up. She is very intrigued about how this happens and has almost put her face into the water several times trying to get a closer look. This scares me a bit but I know that she is safe with me there and often lady cat too. I think the cat thinks I'm torturing the kid, it's as if she's looking over the tub and saying " you poor kid, why don't you use your claws?!?!" Its a good thing Sammy loves her bath time! Here is a picture of Samantha playing with her frog and sporting some bubbles atop her head. She didn't seem to pleased that Dad was snapping shots of her in the tub though.

She has grown attached to one bath toy in particular, a green frog. I'm saddened she doesn't share my love for rubber ducks. I guess I need to loose some ducks and find some more frogs. She loves to suck and chew on her frog and enjoys pushing it under the water to watch it float back up. She is very intrigued about how this happens and has almost put her face into the water several times trying to get a closer look. This scares me a bit but I know that she is safe with me there and often lady cat too. I think the cat thinks I'm torturing the kid, it's as if she's looking over the tub and saying " you poor kid, why don't you use your claws?!?!" Its a good thing Sammy loves her bath time! Here is a picture of Samantha playing with her frog and sporting some bubbles atop her head. She didn't seem to pleased that Dad was snapping shots of her in the tub though.
Here is the cat making sure Sammy is okay.
And the chewing of the frog.
mmmmm frog legs...
mmmmm frog legs...
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