Snow Day!
Samantha has been very busy so we have tons to tell all our friends and family! One of Sammy's favorite things to do is eat. She's just like her dad and loves yummy food. She really wants to do it all on her own and will steel spoons. She finds this very funny. Too bad she has recently discovered that using her hands gets the food in quicker. Here is a picture of Samantha with her two spoons, she was feeling very proud of herself!
We also had Snow!!!! I know it's no big deal to those of you up north, but for us southerners it's a treat. It was Sammy's first snow so naturally we were excited to see what she wood think. As the snow started falling it was already dark , but Samantha could see that things didn't look the smae outside our windows. When we woke up in the morning to lots of snow on the ground Sammy was so distracted by the new site I had to let her eat facing the window. She loved it and it was so cute to see her smiling and laughing at it. Our first venture out in the snow was a big let down. It took nearly twenty minutes to get all bundled up for only a few minutes outside. Samantha was very unsure of what was falling on her and she knew it wasn't rain. She also wrinkled up her nose to the cold air. Here is a picture of her first adventure into the snow.
We took Sammy out again on Sunday while the sun was out warming and melting. It was much warmer so it didn't take as long to get ready. Sammy also enjoyed the warmth of the sun and enjoyed exploring the snow a lot more. We attempted to take a family picture in the snow but we were never able to get a great picture that didn't cut of heads. This was Tim's best attempt.
Here are some more fun snow pictures! Sammy had a blast exploring the snow with her Daddy!

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