Meet the newest member of our family!
Baby Hetzel @9weeks
We had a wonder doctors visit today. Two weeks ago we went in and saw our baby for the first time. There wasn't much to see and we were off about a week on our dates so they had us come in again. Today when we went in there was some confusion to why we were asked to come back so soon but they were more then happy to do it because when we started to see the baby we noticed tons of movement. Baby Hetzel was all over the place moving legs and hands! much more active then the first sonogram.
After to sonogram we got to speak with Dr. Duncan! we were excited to see him as he was the doctor that kept a close eye on me last time and made sure Samantha and I were both in good health. It was nice to catch up with him and talk about some ways to prevent pre eclampsia again. But he seemed pretty confident that we not have that problem this time around. Love the positive thinking! We learned that he and his wife are expecting baby number two as well...they were pregnant last time we were too as well as one of the nurses we saw. we had a nice joke that we must all be on the same schedule and shared stories of our little ones and the terrible twos.
I'm looking forward to getting to see the other doctors who helped him my care last time around as well...It is nice to have so much support from so many and to have most of them remember me even two years later. I'm hoping to take Samantha to my 12 week appointment so she can hear the baby heart and see why mommy has to keep going to the doctor. Plus they would love to see how big she has gotten.
Check out the picture below! I think this is one the best early sonogram pictures I have ever gotten. Its amazing how quickly this baby is growing and I can not wait to meet him or her!
We had a wonder doctors visit today. Two weeks ago we went in and saw our baby for the first time. There wasn't much to see and we were off about a week on our dates so they had us come in again. Today when we went in there was some confusion to why we were asked to come back so soon but they were more then happy to do it because when we started to see the baby we noticed tons of movement. Baby Hetzel was all over the place moving legs and hands! much more active then the first sonogram.
After to sonogram we got to speak with Dr. Duncan! we were excited to see him as he was the doctor that kept a close eye on me last time and made sure Samantha and I were both in good health. It was nice to catch up with him and talk about some ways to prevent pre eclampsia again. But he seemed pretty confident that we not have that problem this time around. Love the positive thinking! We learned that he and his wife are expecting baby number two as well...they were pregnant last time we were too as well as one of the nurses we saw. we had a nice joke that we must all be on the same schedule and shared stories of our little ones and the terrible twos.
I'm looking forward to getting to see the other doctors who helped him my care last time around as well...It is nice to have so much support from so many and to have most of them remember me even two years later. I'm hoping to take Samantha to my 12 week appointment so she can hear the baby heart and see why mommy has to keep going to the doctor. Plus they would love to see how big she has gotten.
Check out the picture below! I think this is one the best early sonogram pictures I have ever gotten. Its amazing how quickly this baby is growing and I can not wait to meet him or her!

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